How to Choose the Right Video Production Company for Your Brand
While variations on the well-known phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” have circulated for years, the meaning has always remained true and timeless. Photos—and to a far greater extent videos—capture a narrative and elevate it from mere words on a page to a vibrant, energetic and emotional story. Videos transform a story, a message and a brand into a living communication.
Regardless of whether your enterprise is service oriented or product driven, your brand can and will benefit from video marketing that is executed, start to finish, by a professional video production company.
“As you’re establishing your new business and getting your website up and running,” said Jay Conner, owner and Executive Producer of Jaybird Media LLC, “it’s essential to upload a video that explains who you are, what you do and, most importantly, showcases your products and/or services.”
Extensive knowledge and experience are the hallmark of a professional videographer. However, as you embark upon the search for the right video production company, know that excellent communication skills are the key to successful videos.
“Everything is proper communication,” Conner said. “Whether chatting in person or over the phone, I make sure I fully comprehend my client’s business, their brand and their unique message. I learn and understand who they are and what they need and want. In the end, this allows me to create videos that are authentic and reflective of their business and brand.”
In the early days of talking and planning, dialogue flows naturally between Conner and his clients as the budget and the perimeters of the video are formulated.
“This is where I work closely with my client to connect with their needs and make critical decisions,” Conner said.
“I endeavor to make magic with what they want within their particular budget,” he continued. “I’m flexible, and I can create magic at any economic scale. If their desire is to have a big budget production, I can and will make that happen. No matter the scope, I can convert their business and brand ideas into their dream story.”
As a rule, budgets determine many facets of video production such as length, who will represent the business and brand and what location will be sought for filming.
“When it comes to choosing how the business and brand will be portrayed,” Conner said, “the client and I must determine whether we will use hired talent or whether the business owner will speak for their company and brand. Or maybe it won’t be a spokesperson at all but simply a voiceover.”
As for location, that could be as basic as the place of business or as elaborate as an out-of-state locale that resonates with the brand.
“The mission—and what I always do—is to ensure that all involved parties grasp every nuance of what we need to accomplish and be able to execute within a given budget.”